• CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture.
  • CSA programs are selling plans that connect the farmer to local customers directly.
  • These programs secure income for the farm, while customers get fresh produce during harvest season.

Heavy harvest seasons like summer and fall often inspire planned adventures to go berry picking, apple picking, or on a trip to your nearest farm. As time has gone on, the desire for farm-fresh produce has only increased, with more folks stumbling upon what's referred to as a CSA program. 

Though the popularity of Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) programs has grown with time, there's still a lot to learn, especially if you're considering joining one. 

Dr. Gail Myers – cultural anthropologist, founder of Farms to Grow, Inc., and organizer of its CSA program – helps break down everything you need to know about Community Supported Agriculture. 

What is Community Supported Agriculture?

CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture. Foto: Thomas Barwick/Getty Images

CSA programs are a selling plan that connects farmers and local consumers directly. Instead of farmers selling their product to companies or stores, customers within the farm's community pay in advance to receive a share of the coming harvest's crop. Then, customers regularly pick up a box of produce (often each week) during the harvest season. Many farms also offer add-on items for purchase, like homemade jams, eggs, milk, meat, cheeses, or breads.  

The idea for CSA programs in the US began in the 1960s from Booker T. Whatley, a horticulturist and agriculture professor at Tuskegee University, Myers says. During the same time, the CSA movement was rising in other countries like Japan and Switzerland.  

To generate a more secured income for struggling Black farmers, Whatley shared his idea for clientele membership clubs. These clubs were set to not only guarantee customers for farmers, but also help the farmers plan for the season. Today, these goals are the main reason farms across the country start CSA programs.  

The type of farm that often starts a CSA are the ones with many different crops. "If you are a commodity farmer, you know selling soybeans or corn, you're not the candidate for a CSA. But if you have a diverse selection of produce, dairy, livestock, or honey, you will want to develop a CSA so you can make sure you sell your crop," Myers says. 

How a CSA works 

Harvest seasons vary by region. It could be year-round in temperate climates like California, or from April through December or February in other parts of the country. Many CSA programs will offer a yearly share, meaning the customer pays a one-time fee before the season begins. Some farms, especially ones that produce year round, will also offer a three month, month-to-month, or weekly payment option. Typically, the fee breaks down to an average price of $15 to $25 per week. 

Members will receive a box of produce each week during the farm's entire harvest season. What you get in your CSA will depend on where the farm is in the harvesting season. In the beginning of the season, especially on the east coast, you'll see CSA boxes with more leafy greens and herbs, then they'll start to expand with other warm-weather crops like corn, peaches, melons, tomatoes, and berries. Once you approach the end of summer into fall, you'll start to see more root vegetables, winter squashes, potatoes, and apples. 

The size of the box can vary, too, which also impacts the price. Many programs will offer boxes (also known as shares) that come in different sizes, small enough to feed one person or large enough for families. 

What are the pros and cons of joining a CSA program?

Like any membership program, CSAs have pros and cons. Foto: Kristin Montemarano/Insider

There are a plethora of pros and cons to consider before you join a CSA program. 


CSA programs support and maintain local ecosystems. "If we can keep farmers successfully farming, harvesting, growing, handing the land off to the next generation, teaching that generation how to do that – then we're really ensuring we're taking care of our food needs, our health needs, and we're supporting a healthy ago-ecosystem," says Myers. 

When you support the ecosystem through agriculture, you help maintain the presence of  healthy pollinators, wildlife, and other parts of our natural environment that we need to survive. Contributing to the support of farms through these programs also encourages farming as a continued profession, says Myers. 

CSAs are beneficial for the local economy too, since all of the money goes directly to the farmer. Those farmers can then put money back into the economy through the revenue they've generated. 

If you're concerned about your environmental footprint, many CSA farms are smaller and use healthier farming practices that help maintain the land. Plus, it takes much less transportation and production emissions for the food to get to you.   

The produce from CSAs are also picked at the height of their ripeness and nutritional value, and the fresh produce can encourage creativity in your cooking. 


Though there are many benefits, there are some possible drawbacks to consider before joining. CSAs are based on what's ready to harvest, so you don't have control over what produce you're getting each week. Some weeks your box may contain certain types of fruits or vegetables you may not like or aren't familiar with. Some programs allow you to swap items, but others are less flexible.  

You'll also likely have to wait until a certain day to pick up or receive your share of produce, so you don't have the convenience of going to the grocery store any time. 

Depending on the CSA, the cost can be quite intimidating. Some CSAs only offer an up-front, one-time payment for the season, which can be hundreds of dollars. 

It's also worth noting that joining a CSA doesn't necessarily guarantee you produce. You're buying a share in that season's crop, so if it's a bountiful year, you may get a lot. But, if it's a year impacted by drought or natural disasters, you could get less (or even none), though this is rare and some farms have programs in place to mitigate this from happening. 

How to find a CSA program near you

You want to find a program that works best for you and your personal needs, so it's key to do your research. Foto: Upstate Farms NY

It's key to do your research before you join a program, especially if you're looking for one that meets certain needs. Before you begin, consider if you'd like a program that's flexible with payments and share sizes, especially if you're only looking to buy a share for yourself. 

You'll also want to determine whether you're looking for a program that caters to a specific need in the community, whether that be growing organic crops only, focusing on regenerative agriculture, or serving the community with a specific mission.  

Some farms do all of the coordinating themselves, but there are other farms that use organizations to help the flow of the CSA. Many of these organizations work in community access, and seek out farmers they're looking to support directly, like BIPOC or LGBTQIA+ farmers.    

Once you've gathered what type of CSA you're looking for, Myers says a simple Google search is the best place to start. See what comes up in your area, and field through each choice depending on your goals. 

You can also use websites like LocalHarvest.org or the USDA directory, though they may not have every farm listed. 

Insider's takeaway

CSA programs are a selling plan for farms that connects them directly to the customer. Members of the community will buy a share of the farm's produce each season. This guarantees a market for the farm, and the customers get fresh produce each week of the harvest season. CSA programs can vary in the amount of produce you receive, how often you receive produce, what produce you receive, the cost of the share, and the length of the season.

There are many benefits to CSA programs aside from getting peak quality produce, such as supporting the area's ecosystem, contributing to the local economy, and a reduced environmental impact. There are also a few possible drawbacks to consider before joining, like cost. Determine your needs, then search for a program that works best for you.

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